Notifications Overview
  • 20 Jul 2022
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Notifications Overview

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Article summary

Mambu offers two tools to communicate with clients - SMS and email.

Please Note

Mambu does not track whether and when messages are viewed.

Email and SMS setup

To be able to set up and send email and SMS notifications to individual clients, groups, or credit officers, you must first set up the respective communication tool. For more information, see SMS Gateway Setup and Email Server Setup.

Notification types

Mambu offers two notification types - manual and automated notifications.

Manual notifications may be sent at any time. You can either compose completely ad hoc notifications by entering free text or prepare templates for them. For more information, see Manual SMS Notifications and Manual Email Notifications.

Automated notifications are sent based on a specific event occurring and in some cases when some additional conditions are met. For more information, see Automated SMS notifications and Automated Email Notifications. And for more information on the events that may trigger an automated notification, see Event Triggers for Notifications.

System to system communication tools

Apart from client communication tools, Mambu also offers some system to system communication tools such as webhooks and the Streaming API. For more information, see Webhooks Overview or Streaming API. These can be used to power your own or third party messaging platforms to send real-time notifications to clients and groups.

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