- 28 Oct 2024
- 2 Minutes To Read
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Mambu Search
- Updated On 28 Oct 2024
- 2 Minutes To Read
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The search box in the system allows users to search all categories or filter by category. Users can select categories from a drop-down dialog, refine search results by selecting categories, and copy result IDs. Search rules include minimum character requirements for keywords and strings. Keyboard shortcuts aid in navigation, and searchable fields vary by category. Accounts can be searched using account IDs or filter options in the Loans or Deposits view. Filtering options include branch, credit officer, account state, loan product, balance, and creation date.
The search box allows users to either search all categories, or filter by category.
When you select the search box, a drop-down dialog opens with all the categories listed.
On the right side of the search input field, you can click X to remove the input text.
If you select a category, search results will be refined. You can select multiple categories, and the results will be listed per category.
We recommend searching with one category - rather than none or multiple - for the best possible performance.
If you hover over a search result in the list, a Copy icon will be visible to the right. Clicking this will copy the result ID to your clipboard.
If you log out and in again to your Mambu tenant, the last search query text will persist.
Search rules
For keywords such as names, you must enter a minimum of three alphanumeric characters. For strings such as account number, you must enter a minimum of five digits.
The search box will also suggest categories in cases where search results are taking too long.
You can search for the full name, or by entering at least three letters of their name, with up to three search words per search.
Field | Description |
First Name | Frederick |
Middle Name | Michael |
Last Name | Smith |
In this case for example, you may enter FRE
, or FRE MIC
in the search box for more refined results.
Keyboard navigation
The following keyboard shortcuts can be used to navigate search:
- ↑ and ↓ to select result items
- ↑ to the top to focus on the input box
- When result item is selected, press Enter to navigate to the result
- When input box is focused, press Enter to do instant search
- MacOS ⌥ + Space or Windows Alt + Space to focus on input box and select all search text.
- Escape to close the drop-down.
Searchable fields list
The following list shows which fields can be searched, per category:
Client (client
Column/field | Case-sensitive | Is index |
First name | true | true |
Middle name | false | true |
Last name | true | true |
ID | false | true |
Document ID | false | true |
Group (group
Column/field | Case-sensitive | Is index |
Group name | true | true |
ID | false | true |
User (user
Column/field | Case-sensitive | Is index |
First name | true | true |
Last name | true | true |
User name | true | true |
Savings account (savingsaccount
Column/field | Case-sensitive | Is index |
ID | false | true |
Loan account (loanaccount
Column/field | Case-sensitive | Is index |
ID | false | true |
Line of credit (lineofcredit
Column/field | Case-sensitive | Is index |
ID | true | true |
GL Account (glaccount
Column/field | Case-sensitive | Is index |
Name | true | false |
- GL Account is not used in the UI but in the API.
- In case-sensitive searches, the first character of the query is still case-insensitive.
Searching for Accounts
You may search for loan or deposit accounts in two ways: with the search box, or by using the filter options from the Loans or Deposits view.
To find an account using the search box, enter the unique account ID.
Use the filter options of the All Loan Accounts or All Deposit Accounts views to see all loans or deposits accounts of a specified category. You can filter accounts by:
- Branch
- Credit Officer
- Account State
- Loan Product
- Loan Balance
- Creation date
For more information, see Editing filters and columns on a custom view page.