Documentation Changelog
  • 09 Jul 2024
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Documentation Changelog

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Article summary

This page describes major changes or additions to the following customer-facing sites. For release notes for Mambu software, see Release Notes on our Community forum.

Most recent changes are listed first.

When?Where?What changed?
9 July 2024Backwards CompatibilityCleaned up backwards compatibility content and merged into one new page.
6 July 2023Creating multiple credentials profilesAdded a section on creating credentials profiles when using the Mambu Command-Line Interface.
2 June 2023Mambu Functions CLICreated a section to document the Mambu Functions CLI. Additionally, the Mambu Functions API Reference was added to document the feature's endpoints.
6 Sep 2022Schedulers and holidaysAdded an article about configuring schedulers and holidays for Mambu Payment Gateway as well as what impact this will have on incoming and outgoing payments with a requested settlement date falling on a configured holiday, or arriving after the configured cut off time for a scheduler.
26 Aug 2022Cards OverviewCreated a new section about Cards where we added a new overview page and rearranged and updated the existing information about cards.
20 Jul 2022Notifications OverviewCreated two new sections, Email and SMS, under the Notifications section and rearranged respective articles. Added a notifications overview page.
22 Jun 2022CurrenciesAdded information about support for cryptocurrencies and non-traditional currencies.
15 Jun 2022Managing your Organization OverviewAdded new Overview page for Managing your Organization section.
03 Jun 2022Menu Items and Custom Views ShowcaseAdded new showcase page with an example of how to use menu items and custom views.
31 May 2022Payment GlossaryMoved terms in the Payment Glossary to official Glossary. Payment Glossary was removed.
26 Apr 2022Mambu UI Management OverviewAdded new Overview page for Mambu UI Management section.
1 Apr 2022MyMambuAs of 1 April 2022, the MyMambu self-service portal is no longer available, and we have removed all relevant documentation. Going forward, please use the Customer Service Portal instead. For more information, see Customer Service Portal.
29 Mar 2022Custom Views and API v1Revised and restored legacy guide to using custom views to filter GET requests with API v1.
18 Mar 2022User GuideAs part of a comprehensive refresh to our User Guide, the first several sections have been reorganized for greater clarity. All old links should still work.
17 Mar 2022Data MigrationSection substantially revised.
11 Jan 2022Known IssuesAdded Known Issues page.
23 Dec 2021Mambu Process OrchestratorThe MPO documentation content has been moved to All MPO documentation pages in the User Guide have been redirected to a page with a notice of this change.

Also, sections on using nodes in MPO and integrating MPO with Mambu have been added to the documentation.

The overview section of Connectors has been slightly revised to cohere with the new Ecosystem landing page copy.
15 Dec 2021Understanding Users, Roles, and PermissionsArticle rewritten to clarify relationship between users, roles, and permissions.
6 Dec 2021Language SettingsAdded a new page about user and client language settings.
2 Nov 2021Developer Section of the User GuideThe Developer section of the User Guide has now been substantially revised, including the recent changes made to Webhooks and Mambu APIs described below.

We also rewrote the Developer Overview and moved all Configuration as Code content into the Developer section.
27 Oct 2021WebhooksMoved Webhooks documentation from the notification section to the Developer category, links and content remain the same.
27 Oct 2021APIs, Mambu APIsMoved API section to the Developer category.

Added new API overview page with general info and links to API documentation site.

As previously announced, we have now removed API v1 documentation from the User Guide. All old links now redirect to the API v1 Reference hosted on, which should now be exclusively used for all API needs.
11 Oct 2021Managing ID Templates, Managing LabelsSplit the Managing Labels and ID Templates article into two separate articles: Managing Labels and Managing ID Templates.
06 Oct 2021All Ecosystem Connectors documentationMoved all connectors documentation from the User Guide to the Mambu Ecosystem site.

Outdated links to content on the User Guide now redirect to the User Guide About Connectors page, which directs readers to the new domain.
20 Sept 2021Navigating in Mambu, Managing Menu Items (renamed from Customizing Menu Items), Custom ViewsUpdated these three articles.

Added additional content to Navigating in Mambu regarding the view menu and create menu.

Added content to Managing Menu Items and distinguished between menu items with views and menu items without views.

Added content to Custom Views and distinguished between saved custom views and temporary custom views.
09 Sept 2021MPO documentation reorganisationReorganized and added pages to the Mambu Process Orchestrator section of the User Giude:

  • The old Welcome page was revised as the new Overview page.
  • Added a new Quickstart to complement the Overview page.
  • Creating & Managing Users is now Creating and Managing Users with a change in URL as all the content within it is new.
  • Added a new Using MPO section, with Using the MPO UI and Using the MPO API subsections.
  • Moved old articles on the using the MPO UI into the Using the MPO UI section.
  • Added API Basics to the Using the MPO API subsection.
  • Added Sync API to the new Using the MPO API subsection.
Sept 2021Mambu Release CycleExtensive revisions to Mambu Release Cycle. Moved content from the pages “Mambu Release Flow” and “Release and Incident Notifications” into that page, and deleted them.

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