  • 19 Aug 2022
  • 5 Minutes To Read
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Article summary

Tasks are used to keep track of to-dos in Mambu. They are assigned to users and can be linked to specific individual clients or groups. Tasks facilitate workflows and daily activity management across teams since activities that need to be performed can be easily assigned, followed up on, and marked as complete. You can create tasks for yourself or assign them to other users.

You may create tasks either through the Mambu UI or API v2. For more information about managing tasks using API v2, see Tasks in our API Reference.

Access to other branch's tasks

If you have access to other branches, you can view and create tasks for those branches by selecting that branch in the menu in the top left. If you only have access to one branch, you cannot view tasks from any other branch.

Permissions for tasks

In order to view, create, edit, and delete tasks, you must have the appropriate permissions:

  • View Tasks (VIEW_TASK)
  • Create Tasks (CREATE_TASK)
  • Edit Tasks (EDIT_TASK)
  • Delete Tasks (DELETE_TASK)

Creating new tasks

Tasks can be created from the dashboard, from a client's profile or from the top bar task indicator.

To create a task from the dashboard:

  1. In the Your Tasks widget, select New Task.
  2. Enter all the information in the Creating Task dialog. See Fields for tasks.
  3. Select Save Task.

Create Task from Dashboard

To create a task from a client profile:

  1. Go to the client profile page.
  2. Select New Task.
  3. Enter all the information in the Creating Task dialog. See Fields for tasks.
  4. Select Save Task.

Create Task from Clients' profile

Please Note
When a task is created from an individual client or group profile, the task will be automatically linked to them. The task is immediately stored in the client's profile.

To create a task from the top bar task icon:

  1. Select the task icon in the top bar.
  2. Select New Task.
  3. Enter all the information in the Creating Task dialog. See Fields for tasks.
  4. Select Save Task.

Create task from task option in top bar.

Fields for tasks

When creating a task there are different fields.

SummaryDescription of what the user who the task is assigned to should do. For example, "Evaluate client's business" or "Follow up on late repayment".Yes
Linked ToAn optional link to an individual client or group the task relates to.No
Assigned ToThe user who should complete the task. Can be yourself or another user in the system.No
Due DateWhen the task should be completed.No
NotesAny details the assignee might need to complete the task.No
Apply TemplateSelect a template from the list. For more information, see Task templates.No

Creating Task form with Summary, Linked To, Assigned To, Due Date and Notes fields.

Task templates

Templates can be created for common tasks to speed up the workflow by automatically filling in information based on placeholders. You may choose to apply a template when creating a task.

You must have either the Create Templates (CREATE_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES) or Edit Templates (EDIT_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES) permissions to create task templates.

Creating task templates

To create a task template:

  1. Go to Administration > Templates > Tasks.
  2. Select Add Template.
  3. In the Creating A New Task Template dialog, enter all the necessary information. See Task templates fields.
  4. Select Save Changes.

Task templates fields

NameThe name for the task template. Must be unique and have a maximum length of 255 characters.Yes
TargetThe target for the task, can either be clients or groups. Select the target to view the Placeholder dropdown, which is populated with the relevant placeholders.Yes
ContentsThe description of the task. Consists of text, links, images, or placeholders. For more information on how to use the rich text editor and the HTML editor, see Content Editors.No
PlaceholderA dropdown to select placeholders to include in the content of the task template. The Placeholder dropdown appears only after selecting the target of the task, as it depends on whether client or group is chosen. For more information, see Placeholders.No

Finding and completing tasks

Finding tasks

Tasks assigned to a user can be found in three places.

  • The Dashboard: In the Your Task widget on the right side. The number of overdue, upcoming, and tasks due today can be seen, as well as the tasks corresponding to each category.
  • The task icon in the top bar: The number beside the search box shows the number of tasks due; clicking it will show the task list.
  • All tasks view: Which can be accessed both from the dashboard or the task icon. For details on how to filter tasks, see Filtering tasks.

All tasks button from dashboard and Tasks view

Completing tasks

To complete a task, open the Tasks view, check the box associated to that task. Alternatively, you can the Tasks due top bar menu item and either check the box to mark a task as complete or open it and select Complete.

Completed tasks will be automatically checked out, but stored under the user's activity feed. If a task was linked to a client or group, you can also open the Tasks tab in the client or group's detail view and edit the filter options to show completed tasks.

To reopen a completed task, click on the check box beside the completed task.

Completing tasks from Dashboard view

Please Note
If your organization requires a log of actions taken, you can easily edit a task before closing it in order to add additional notes, such as steps taken or feedback from the client.

Filtering tasks

Tasks can be filtered in the same way as other Mambu items such as clients and loans. To start filtering tasks, select All Tasks, from either the dashboard or top bar task option. For more information, see Customizing Columns.

Creating a task filter

  1. Select the Filter dropdown
  2. Select Add New Filter if the filter will be stored for later use, or Custom Filter for a one-time filter.
  3. Select the filters to be used and define their conditions.
  4. Save.

Using a previously saved filter

  1. Select the Filter dropdown.
  2. Select the previously saved filter.

Creating a new column preset

  1. Click on Custom Columns.
  2. Add new column preset.
  3. Select the desired columns and give the preset a name.

Using a previously saved column preset

  1. Click on Custom Columns.
  2. Select the previously saved preset.

Editing columns on-the-fly

  1. Click on Edit Columns.
  2. Select and arrange columns as required.

Editing and deleting tasks

A task can be Edited or Deleted by selecting Actions and selecting the desired option.

Actions button with Edit and Deleted options

Please be Aware
After deleting a task it will not be possible to open it again and, in case it was linked to an individual client or group, it will disappear from their task history so it could be better to simply mark a task as complete with a note to say why it was not completed in order to maintain full accountability.

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