AML Standard Flows
  • 03 Feb 2022
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AML Standard Flows

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Article summary

Standard AML Flow for an Incoming Payment

Accepted - The Beneficiary Account is credited with the amount specified in the payment

AML standard flow for an incoming payment which is accepted

Rejected - The Payment is returned and a Payment Return instruction (pacs.004.001.02) is issued by the Mambu Payment Gateway (MPG)

AML standard flow for an incoming payment which is rejected

Suspended - The payment is parked in the MPG until a definitive AML result has been provided

AML standard flow for an incoming payment which is suspended

Accepted when the payment was originally Suspended - The Beneficiary Account is credited with the amount specified in the payment

AML standard flow for an incoming payment which is accepted after having been suspended

Rejected when the payment was originally Suspended - The Payment is returned and a Payment Return instruction (pacs.004.001.02) is issued by the MPG

AML standard flow for an incoming payment which is rejected after having been suspended

Standard AML Flow for an Outgoing Payment

Accepted - The Originator Account was already debited part of the standard outgoing payment clearing flow, and now a Credit Transfer Instruction (pacs.008.001.02) is issued by the MPG

AML standard flow for an outgoing payment which is accepted

Rejected - The Payment is marked as failed and the funds are credited back to the Originator Account

AML standard flow for an outgoing payment which is rejected

Suspended - The payment is parked in the MPG until a definitive AML result will be provided

AML standard flow for an outgoing payment which is suspended

Accepted when the payment was originally Suspended - The Originator Account was already debited part of the standard outgoing payment clearing flow, and now a Credit Transfer Instruction (pacs.008.001.02) is issued by the MPG

AML standard flow for an outgoing payment which is accepted after having been suspended

Rejected when the payment was originally Suspended - The Payment is marked as failed and the funds are credited back to the Originator Account

AML standard flow for an outgoing payment which is rejected after having been suspended

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