Setting-up a Maturity Period
  • 15 Aug 2020
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Setting-up a Maturity Period

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Article summary

The Maturity Period in a Savings Plan or Fixed deposit account is a time when no withdrawals can be made. It is manually activated after the first deposit, with only administrators and users with permission able to withdraw. To activate, open the account, click on Begin Maturity Period, enter the maturity date, and click on Change Status.

The Maturity Period is the time during which no withdrawals can be made in a Savings Plan or Fixed deposit account. The duration of the period can be defined in the product's settings and is then manually activated under each account after a first deposit has been made.

Only administrators and users with the Make early withdrawal permission can make withdrawals during a maturity period.

To activate the maturity period:

  1. Open the deposit account.
  2. On the right hand of the screen, click on Begin Maturity Period.
  3. Enter the maturity date.
  4. Click on Change Status.
Please Note
The maturity date determines the end of the Maturity Period, so after this date the accounts won't continue accruing interest and the clients will be able to withdraw their money with the accrued interest.
Please be Aware
Only administrators or users with the permission to "Activate Maturity" can begin the maturity period of an account.

Begin Maturity Period button and pop-up

Please Note
You can undo this action by going to More > Undo Begin Maturity Period.

More drop-down with Undo Begin Maturity Period

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