- 03 Mar 2025
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SEPA Credit Transfer XML Messages
- Updated On 03 Mar 2025
- 21 Minutes To Read
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This page provides information on how SEPA messages map to our payments APIs, and how specific fields are derived from related transactions, such as in the case of inquiries or recall requests.
Use the chevrons to expand or collapse the nested sections of the messages you are intereseted in. For more information on each specific field, refer to the European Payment Council's SEPA implementation guidelines, where documentation is available in PDF or XSD format.
The pacs.008 message is created from the initiate payment API call and represents a payment from a debtor to a creditor.
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.008.001.02">
<MsgId>SCTORD156820211213000000012649</MsgId> // generated value. Will be unique for each message created
<CreDtTm>2021-12-13T13:24:39</CreDtTm> // the date and time the message was created
<NbOfTxs>1</NbOfTxs> // the number of transactions included in this message. If many requests are received in a short space of time, they may be bulked into one message
<TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">46290.42</TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt> // these values come from the POST /payments call and will be the value of instructedAmount.currency and instructedAmount.amount. If the SEPA message includes a number of transactions, this will represent the sum total amount being sent
<IntrBkSttlmDt>2021-12-13</IntrBkSttlmDt> // the date of settlement, as SEPA Credit Transfers can not be scheduled, this will generally be the same date as the message was generated as the transfer will be initiated immediately. If the message is generated after the configured schedule cut-off time, the settlement date will be the next business day
<SttlmMtd>CLRG</SttlmMtd> // this indicates how the message will be settled, if using a Clearing and Settlement Mechanism, the value will be CLRG
<Prtry>ST2</Prtry> // this indicates the clearing house being used. The value will be taken from Configuration > System Properties > ACH Clearing System
<BIC>BTRLRO22</BIC> // the instructing agent, this will be your institution's BIC, as entered in Configuration > System Properties > Bank BIC
<BIC>BTRLRO22</BIC> // the instructed agent, this will be your ACH's BIC, as entered in Configuration > System Properties > ACH BIC
<InstrId>e788ef660735414198cfb36a066d158d</InstrId> // the instruction ID is a generated value returned in the response to the inititial POST /payments API call as paymentId
<EndToEndId>e2e1234567890-1</EndToEndId> // the unique, user supplied end to end reference provided in the POST /payments API call in the field paymentIdentification.endToEndIdentification. If this value was not provided, this field will be present in the SEPA message with a value of NOTPROVIDED
<TxId>trxID1234567890-1</TxId> // the unique, user supplied transaction ID for this payment, provided in the POST /payments API call in the field paymentIdentification.transactionIdentification. If no value is provided, the generated Mambu Withdrawal Transaction ID will be used
<Cd>SEPA</Cd> // the service being used for this transaction, provide in the POST /payments API call in the field serviceLevel. Only SEPA or TGT are allowed
<IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">46290.42</IntrBkSttlmAmt> // these values come from the POST /payments call and will be the value of instructedAmount.currency and instructedAmount.amount
<ChrgBr>SLEV</ChrgBr> // indicates which party will bear the cost of any charges, the value SLEV indicates that charges will be applied following the rules for the scheme being used, in this case SEPA. This is automatically added as it is the only allowed value in the SEPA EPC rules
<Nm>John Spartan</Nm> // the value provided in the ultimateDebtor field in the POST /payments API call
<Nm>Mike Harrigan</Nm> // the value provided in the debtorName field in the POST /payments API call
<Ctry>US</Ctry> // the value provided in the countryCode field in the POST /payments API call, this will be a two-letter, ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code
<AdrLine>Santee Street 840 Los Angeles CA 90014</AdrLine> // this field is created based on the concatenated values of debtorAdress.street, debtorAdress.buildingNumber, debtorAdress.city, debtorAdress.postalCode in the POST /payments API call, if provided
<Id>mYiD0987654321</Id> // this value will be taken from the debtorIdentification.privateIdentification field in the POST /payments API call
<Prtry>mYpRoPiD0987654321</Prtry> this value will be taken from the debtorIdentification.proprietary field in the POST /payments API call
<Issr>HMPO</Issr> // this value will be taken from the debtorIdentification.issuer field in the POST /payments API call
<IBAN>RO10BTRL0000001234567890</IBAN> // this value will be taken from the debtorAccount.identification.iban field in the POST /payments API call
<BIC>BTRLRO22XXX</BIC> // this value will be taken from the debtorAgent.institutionIdentification.bicfi field in the POST /payments API call, if provided, otherwise it will be derived from the debtorAccount.identification.iban
<BIC>INGBNL2AXXX</BIC> // this value will be taken from the creditorAgent.institutionIdentification.bicfi field in the POST /payments API call, if provided, otherwise it will be derived from the creditorAccount.identification.iban
<Nm>Alan Dutch Schaefer</Nm> // this value will be taken from the creditorName field in the POST /payments API call
<Ctry>MX</Ctry> // this value will be taken from the creditorAddress.country field in the POST /payments API call and will be a two-letter, ISO 3661 alpha-2 country code
<AdrLine>Carretera a Palenque 8 Palenque 29960</AdrLine> // this field is created based on the concatenated values of creditorAdress.street, creditorAdress.buildingNumber, creditorAdress.city, creditorAdress.postalCode in the POST /payments API call, if provided
<Id>mYiD1234567890</Id> // this value will be taken from the creditorIdentification.privateIdentification field in the POST /payments API call
<Prtry>mYpRoPiD1234567890</Prtry> // this value will be taken from the creditorIdentification.proprietary field in the POST /payments API call
<Issr>UKPA</Issr> // this value will be taken from the creditorIdentification.issuer field in the POST /payments API call
<IBAN>NL07INGB9227934553</IBAN> // this value will be taken from the creditorAccount.identification.iban field in the POST /payments API call
<Nm>Simon Phoenix</Nm> // this value will be taken from the ultimateCreditor field in the POST /payments API call, if provided
<Cd>PENS</Cd> // this value will be taken from the purposeCode field in the POST /payments API call and must match a purpose code supported by the SEPA scheme
This message is generated when a claim of non-receipt is made using either the claim non receipt API or the user interface.
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.027.001.06">
<Id>BTRLRO222021121300000000000014</Id> // a unique, generated ID used to identify the case
<BICFI>BTRLRO22XXX</BICFI> // the BIC of the bank making the claim. If the claim was initiated by you, this will be the BIC of your institution as provided in Configuration > System Properties > Bank BIC
<BICFI>INGBNL2AXXX</BICFI> // the BIC of the bank who should respond to the claim. This will be the counterparty of the transaction in question
<CreDtTm>2021-12-13T14:50:26</CreDtTm> // the date and time on which the claim was initiated
<Id>BTRLRO22202112130000000000000000014</Id> // a unique, generated ID used to identify the case
<BICFI>BTRLRO22</BICFI> // the BIC of the bank making the claim. If the claim was iniated by you, this will be the BIC of your institution as provided in Configuration > System Properties > Bank BIC
<OrgnlMsgId>SCTORD156820211213000000012650</OrgnlMsgId> // the unique ID of the original message for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged
<OrgnlMsgNmId>pacs.008.001.02</OrgnlMsgNmId> // the type of message for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged. For SEPA Credit Transfers this will be pacs.008.001.02
<OrgnlInstrId>b32b146844bc46cc9f80e31f7f1343c4</OrgnlInstrId> // the instruction ID of the payment for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged. This will also match the paymentId that was included in the response to the POST /payments API call
<OrgnlEndToEndId>e2e1234567890-1</OrgnlEndToEndId> // the end-to-end ID, if provided, of the transaction to be investigated. If none was provided the value of this field will be NOTPROVIDED
<OrgnlTxId>trxID1234567890-2</OrgnlTxId> // the transaction ID of the transaction to be investigated
<OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">46290.42</OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt> // the amount of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the original payment instruction
<OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt>2021-12-13</OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt> // the date on which the original transaction was marked as sent and settled, taken from the original payment instruction
<SttlmMtd>CLRG</SttlmMtd> // the original settlement method of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the original payment instruction
<Cd>SEPA</Cd> // the original service level method of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the original payment instruction. For SEPA Credit Transfers this will always have the value SEPA
<Nm>John Spartan</Nm> // the ultimate debtor of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
<Nm>Mike Harrigan</Nm> // the debtor name of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
<AdrLine>Santee Street 840 Los Angeles CA 90014</AdrLine> // the address of the debtor of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.PstlAdr.AdrLine from the original payment instruction
<IBAN>RO10BTRL0000001234567890</IBAN> // the IBAN of debtor of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.DbtrAcct.Id.IBAN from the original payment instruction
<BICFI>BTRLRO22XXX</BICFI> // the BIC of the debtor agent financial institution of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.DbtrAgt.FinInstnId.BIC from the original payment instruction
<BICFI>INGBNL2AXXX</BICFI> // the BIC of the creditor agent financial institution of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.CdtrAgt.FinInstnId.BIC from the original payment instruction
<Nm>Alan Dutch Schaefer</Nm> // the name of the creditor of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Cdtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
<Ctry>MX</Ctry> // the country of the creditor of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.PstlAdr.Ctry from the original payment instruction
<AdrLine>Carretera a Palenque 8 Palenque 29960</AdrLine> // the address of the creditor of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Cdtr.PstlAdr.AdrLine from the original payment instruction
<IBAN>NL07INGB9227934553</IBAN> // the IBAN of the creditor of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.CdtrAcct.Id.IBAN from the original payment instruction
<Nm>Simon Phoenix</Nm> // the ultimate creditor, if provided, of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.UltmtCdtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
<Cd>PENS</Cd> // the purpose code that was provided for the original transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Purp.Cd field in the original payment instruction
<Cd>INQR</Cd> // a code indicating that this is an inquiry
<InstrInf>The beneficiary is requesting a claim non receipt</InstrInf> // human-readable, generated string instructing the counterparty of the specific claim, in this case, non-receipt of funds
This represents a request for a status update on a submitted inquiry and will be generated either when the request is made via the request status update API or when the request is initiated via the UI.
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.028.001.01">
<MsgId>SCTINV156820211213000000000422</MsgId> // a unique, generated ID used to identify the case
<CreDtTm>2021-12-13T15:21:56</CreDtTm> // the date and time on which the request for a status update was made
<BICFI>BTRLRO22XXX</BICFI> // the BIC of the bank making the request for status update. If the request was initiated by you, this will be the BIC of your institution as provided in Configuration > System Properties > Bank BIC
<BICFI>INGBNL2AXXX</BICFI> // the BIC of the bank who should be responding to the claim. This will be the counterparty of the transaction in question
<OrgnlMsgId>BTRLRO222021121300000000000014</OrgnlMsgId> // the unique ID of the case for which the request for status update was made
<OrgnlMsgNmId>camt.027.001.06</OrgnlMsgNmId> // the message type of the case for which the request for status update was made, for example, a claim of non-receipt has the message number camt.027
<StsReqId>BTRLRO22202112130000000000000000422</StsReqId> // a unique, generated ID used to identify the case
<OrgnlInstrId>b32b146844bc46cc9f80e31f7f1343c4</OrgnlInstrId> // the instruction ID of the payment being investigated. This will also match the paymentId that was included in the response to the POST /payments API call
<OrgnlEndToEndId>e2e1234567890-1</OrgnlEndToEndId> // the end-to-end ID, if provided of the transaction being investigated. If none was provided the value of this field will be NOTPROVIDED
<OrgnlTxId>trxID1234567890-2</OrgnlTxId> // the transaction ID of the transaction being investigated
<IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">46290.42</IntrBkSttlmAmt> // the currency and amount of the transaction being investigated
<IntrBkSttlmDt>2021-12-13</IntrBkSttlmDt> // the settlement date of the transaction being investigated
<SttlmMtd>CLRG</SttlmMtd> // the settlement method which was used in the transaction being investigated
<Cd>SEPA</Cd> // the service level of the transaction being investigated
<Nm>John Spartan</Nm> // the ultimate debtor of the transaction being investigated, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
<Nm>Mike Harrigan</Nm> // the debtor name of the transaction being investigated, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
<AdrLine>Santee Street 840 Los Angeles CA 90014</AdrLine> // the address of the debtor of the transaction being investigated, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.PstlAdr.AdrLine from the original payment instruction
<IBAN>RO10BTRL0000001234567890</IBAN> // the IBAN of debtor of the transaction being investigated, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.DbtrAcct.Id.IBAN from the original payment instruction
<BICFI>BTRLRO22XXX</BICFI> // the BIC of the debtor agent financial instiution of the transaction being investigated, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.DbtrAgt.FinInstnId.BIC from the original payment instruction
<BICFI>INGBNL2AXXX</BICFI> // the BIC of the creditor agent financial institution of the transaction being investigated, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.CdtrAgt.FinInstnId.BIC from the original payment instruction
<Nm>Alan Dutch Schaefer</Nm> // the name of the creditor of the transaction being investigated, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Cdtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
<Ctry>MX</Ctry> // the country of the creditor of the transaction being investigated, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.PstlAdr.Ctry from the original payment instruction
<AdrLine>Carretera a Palenque 8 Palenque 29960</AdrLine> // the address of the creditor of the transaction being investigated, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Cdtr.PstlAdr.AdrLine from the original payment instruction
<IBAN>NL07INGB9227934553</IBAN> // the IBAN of the creditor of the transaction being investigated, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.CdtrAcct.Id.IBAN from the original payment instruction
<Nm>Simon Phoenix</Nm> // the ultimate creditor, if provided, of the transaction for which this claim of non-receipt was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.UltmtCdtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
This message type is generated when there is a request for cancellation or recall of a SEPA credit transfer made using either the recall outgoing payment API or the Mambu Payment Gateway UI.
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.056.001.01">
<Id>SCTSOL156820211214000000001033</Id> // a unique, generated ID for this case
<BIC>BTRLRO22</BIC> // the BIC of the bank making the cancellation request. If the request was initiated by you, this will be the BIC of your institution as provided in Configuration > System Properties > Bank BIC
<BIC>BTRLRO22</BIC> // the BIC of the bank who should be responding to the cancellation request. This will typically be the counterparty of the transaction in question
<CreDtTm>2021-12-14T09:46:27</CreDtTm> // the date and time on which the cancellation request was made
<NbOfTxs>1</NbOfTxs> // the number of transactions to be cancelled included in this request
<CxlId>568R1348000000000000000000000001196</CxlId> // a unique, generated ID for this cancellation request
<OrgnlMsgId>SCTORD156820211213000000012649</OrgnlMsgId> // the unique ID of the original message for which this cancellation request was lodged
<OrgnlMsgNmId>pacs.008.001.02</OrgnlMsgNmId> // the type of message for which this cancellation request was lodged, for SEPA Credit Transfers this will be pacs.008.001.02
<OrgnlInstrId>e788ef660735414198cfb36a066d158d</OrgnlInstrId> // the instruction ID of the payment to be cancelled
<OrgnlEndToEndId>e2e1234567890-1</OrgnlEndToEndId> // the end-to-end ID, if provided, of the payment to be cancelled. If none was provided the value of this field will be NOTPROVIDED
<OrgnlTxId>trxID1234567890-1</OrgnlTxId> // the transaction ID of the payment to be recalled
<OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">46290.42</OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt> // the currency and amount of the transaction for which this cancellation request was lodged
<OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt>2021-12-13</OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt> // the date on which the original transaction was marked as sent and settled, taken from the original payment instruction
<BICOrBEI>BTRLRO22XXX</BICOrBEI> // the BIC of the bank making the cancellation request. If the request was initiated by you, this will be the BIC of your institution as provided in Configuration > System Properties > Bank BIC
<Cd>DUPL</Cd> // the reason given for the cancellation, depending on the option selected. Will be one of DUPL, FRAD, CUST or TECH
<SttlmMtd>CLRG</SttlmMtd> // the original settlement method of the payment for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the original payment instruction
<Prtry>ST2</Prtry> // the clearing house used for the payment for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the original payment instruction
<Cd>SEPA</Cd> // the original service level method of the transaction for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the original payment instruction and, for SEPA Credit Transfers, will always have the value SEPA
<Nm>John Spartan</Nm> // the ultimate debtor of the transaction for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
<Nm>Mike Harrigan</Nm> // the debtor name of the transaction for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
<Ctry>US</Ctry> // the country of the debtor of the transaction for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.PstlAdr.Ctry from the original payment instruction
<AdrLine>Santee Street 840 Los Angeles CA 90014</AdrLine> // the address of the debtor of the transaction for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.PstlAdr.AdrLine from the original payment instruction
<Id>mYiD0987654321</Id> // the ID number of the debtor of the payment to be cancelled, taken from FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.Id.PrvtId.Othr.Id
<Prtry>mYpRoPiD0987654321</Prtry> // the proprietary ID number of the debtor of the payment to be cancelled, taken from FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.Id.PrvtId.Othr.SchmeNm.Prtry
<Issr>HMPO</Issr> // the ID issuer of the debtor of the payment to be cancelled, taken from FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.Id.PrvtId.Othr.Issr
<IBAN>RO10BTRL0000001234567890</IBAN> // the IBAN of debtor of the transaction for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.DbtrAcct.Id.IBAN from the original payment instruction
<BIC>BTRLRO22XXX</BIC> // the BIC of the debtor agent financial instiution of the transaction for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.DbtrAgt.FinInstnId.BIC from the original payment instruction
<BIC>INGBNL2AXXX</BIC> // the BIC of the creditor agent financial institution of the transaction for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.CdtrAgt.FinInstnId.BIC from the original payment instruction
<Nm>Alan Dutch Schaefer</Nm> // the name of the creditor of the transaction for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Cdtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
<Ctry>MX</Ctry> // the country of the creditor of the transaction for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.PstlAdr.Ctry from the original payment instruction
<AdrLine>Carretera a Palenque 8 Palenque 29960</AdrLine> // the address of the creditor of the transaction for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Cdtr.PstlAdr.AdrLine from the original payment instruction
<Id>mYiD1234567890</Id> // the ID number of the debtor of the payment to be cancelled, taken from FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Cdtr.Id.PrvtId.Othr.Id
<Prtry>mYpRoPiD1234567890</Prtry> // the proprietary ID number of the debtor of the payment to be cancelled, taken from FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Cdtr.Id.PrvtId.Othr.SchmeNm.Prtry
<Issr>UKPA</Issr> // the ID issuer of the debtor of the payment to be cancelled, taken from FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Cdtr.Id.PrvtId.Othr.Issr
<IBAN>NL07INGB9227934553</IBAN> // the IBAN of the creditor of the transaction for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.CdtrAcct.Id.IBAN from the original payment instruction
<Nm>Simon Phoenix</Nm> // the ultimate creditor, if provided, of the transaction for which this cancellation request was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.UltmtCdtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
This message is generated when there is a request for value date correction for a payment made either using the claim value date correction API or via the UI.
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.087.001.05">
<Id>BTRLRO22202112130000000000000000007</Id> // a unique, generated ID for this case
<BICFI>BTRLRO22</BICFI> // the BIC of the bank making the claim for value correction. If the request was initiated by you, this will be the BIC of your institution as provided in Configuration > System Properties > Bank BIC
<BICFI>BTRLRO22</BICFI> // the BIC of the bank who should be responding to the claim. This will typically be the counterparty of the transaction in question
<CreDtTm>2021-12-13T16:14:30</CreDtTm> // the date and time on which the claim for value date correction was made
<Id>BTRLRO22202112130000000000000000007</Id> // a unique, generated ID for this case
<BICFI>BTRLRO22</BICFI> // the BIC of the financial institution who created the case. If the claim for value date correction was initiated by you, it will the BIC of your bank
<OrgnlMsgId>SCTORD156820211213000000012650</OrgnlMsgId> // the unique ID of the original message for which this claim for value date correction was lodged
<OrgnlMsgNmId>pacs.008.001.02</OrgnlMsgNmId> // the type of message for which this claim for value date correction was lodged. For SEPA Credit Transfers this will be pacs.008.001.02
<OrgnlCreDtTm>2021-12-13T14:49:39</OrgnlCreDtTm> // the creation date of the original transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged
<OrgnlMsgDlvryChanl>API</OrgnlMsgDlvryChanl> // the channel through which the original transaction was received. If the transaction was created using Mambu's POST /payments API, the value will be API
<OrgnlEndToEndId>e2e1234567890-1</OrgnlEndToEndId> // the end-to-end ID, if provided, of the transaction to be corrected. If none was provided, the value of this field will be NOTPROVIDED
<OrgnlTxId>trxID1234567890-2</OrgnlTxId> // the transaction ID of the transaction to be corrected
<OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">46290.42</OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt> // the currency and amount of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged
<OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt>2021-12-12</OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt> // the date on which the original transaction was marked as sent and settled, taken from the original payment instruction
<IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">46290.42</IntrBkSttlmAmt> // the currency and amount of the original transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, taken from the original payment instruction
<SttlmMtd>CLRG</SttlmMtd> // the original settlement method of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, taken from the original payment instruction
<Cd>SEPA</Cd> // the original service level method of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, taken from the original payment instruction. For SEPA Credit Transfers, will always have the value SEPA
<PmtMtd>TRF</PmtMtd> // specifies the means of payment that will be used to move the amount of money. For SEPA this value will only be TRF
<Nm>John Spartan</Nm> // the ultimate debtor of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
<Nm>Mike Harrigan</Nm> // the debtor name of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
<Ctry>US</Ctry> // the country of the debtor of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.PstlAdr.Ctry from the original payment instruction
<AdrLine>Santee Street 840 Los Angeles CA 90014</AdrLine> // the address of the debtor of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.PstlAdr.AdrLine from the original payment instruction
<IBAN>RO10BTRL0000001234567890</IBAN> // the IBAN of debtor of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.DbtrAcct.Id.IBAN from the original payment instruction
<BICFI>BTRLRO22XXX</BICFI> // the BIC of the debtor agent financial institution of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.DbtrAgt.FinInstnId.BIC from the original payment instruction
<BICFI>INGBNL2AXXX</BICFI> // the BIC of the creditor agent financial institution of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.CdtrAgt.FinInstnId.BIC from the original payment instruction
<Nm>Alan Dutch Schaefer</Nm> // the name of the creditor of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, will be taken from the value of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Cdtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
<Ctry>MX</Ctry> // the country of the creditor of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Dbtr.PstlAdr.Ctry from the original payment instruction
<AdrLine>Carretera a Palenque 8 Palenque 29960</AdrLine> // the address of the creditor of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.Cdtr.PstlAdr.AdrLine from the original payment instruction
<IBAN>NL07INGB9227934553</IBAN> // the IBAN of the creditor of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.CdtrAcct.Id.IBAN from the original payment instruction
<Nm>Simon Phoenix</Nm> // the ultimate creditor, if provided, of the transaction for which this claim for value date correction was lodged, taken from the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf.CdtTrfTxInf.UltmtCdtr.Nm from the original payment instruction
<Cd>INQR</Cd> // a code indicating that this is an inquiry
<InstrInf>The beneficiary is requesting a value date correction</InstrInf> // human-readable, generated string instructing the counterparty of the specific claim, in this case, value date correction