Risk Report
  • 05 Jan 2022
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Risk Report

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Article summary

The risk report is the management report related to risk management. For more information on the rest of the management reports, see Management Reports.

With this report you can easily see which clients have loans or overdrafts in arrears, filter the results by branch, credit officer, and product or find out what the provision amount is based on the risk levels you defined before in your financial setup, for more information, see Defining Risk Levels.

Please be Aware

The risk report only includes data entered in your base currency. For example, if there is an overdraft that is in a currency other than your base currency, it will not be included in the report.

You can find the report in the navigation bar, under Reporting > Risk.

Reporting report under Reporting menu item

You can select to view the risk report for either loans or overdrafts.

Filter by the number of days in arrears

Select the By Arrears Age option in the dropdown to filter by the number of days in arrears.

There you will see the total principal at risk as well as a list of all of your clients who have loans in arrears, to which you can apply different filters to in order to have a more granular view.

To see all the filters select a specific branch and you will then be able to also filter by credit officer and centre.

Risk Report example

Filter by the level of risk

Select the By Risk Level option in the dropdown to filter by risk levels.

Using this filter allows you to see both the principal at risk and the percentage amount of principal you should provision in case the clients do not complete payment.

The risk levels and provision amount are based on the categories you defined under financial setup for more information, see Defining Risk Levels.

To see this information:

  1. Select the risk level.
  2. Select Generate Report.

Risk level filter with defined options

Please Note
You can still filter down to each risk level to see the list of clients who are under that category. To do that, select the risk level you want to look at.

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