Organization Contact Details and Time Zone
  • 17 May 2022
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Organization Contact Details and Time Zone

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Article summary

You can edit all the information related to your organization's contact information and general settings.

Please Note
This element can also be configured using Configuration as Code (CasC). For more information, see Configuration as Code.

Managing organization details using Mambu UI

To add or edit the organization's contact information and time zone:

  1. On the main menu, go to Administration > General Setup > Organization Details.
  2. Enter all the necessary information. See below for more information on the fields.
  3. Select Save Changes.

Organization settings, like name, address, currency, time zone and date format

Fields in Organization Details

Fields shown with a green outline are required. They are also indicated below.

Institution Name (required)

Enter the name of your institution which will be displayed in left corner of the top bar.

Contact Details

Enter the contact details of your institution:

  • Street Address Line 1
  • City
  • State/Province/Region
  • Zip Postal Code
  • Country
  • Mobile Phone
  • Email


The base currency of the organization. For more information, see Currencies.

Time Zone

Define the organization's local time zone. Note that your organization's time zone controls when various automated processes occur, such as End-of-Day processing and automated notifications.

For more information, see End-of-Day Processing and Cron Jobs and Automating Notifications for more information.

Local Date Format (required)

The pattern that determines the date format to be used for Mambu dates. All dates displayed in the Mambu UI will use the format defined here.

For more information on how to enter your format specification, see Date and time formatting.

Local Date/Time Format (required)

The pattern that defines the date and time format to be used for Mambu timestamps. All dates and times displayed in the Mambu UI will use the format defined here.

For more information on how to enter your format specification, see Date and time formatting.

Decimal Mark

Define whether to use a period . or a comma , as a decimal mark.

Date and time formatting

The following characters that are accepted when defining the date and date/time formats.

Mmonth in yearText/NumberJuly/07
dday in monthNumber10
hhour in am/pm (1-12)Number12
Hhour in day (0-23)Number0
mminute in hourNumber30
ssecond in minuteNumber55
wweek in yearNumber27
Wweek in monthNumber2
khour in day (1-24)Number24
Khour in am/pm (0-11)Number0
'escape for textDelimiter(none)
'single quoteLiteral'

Time format specification examples

PatternExample output
yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss2009.06.30 08:29:36
dd.M.yyyy26 October 2020

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