Menu Items and Custom Views Showcase
  • 11 Jul 2022
  • 3 Minutes To Read
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Menu Items and Custom Views Showcase

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Article summary

Menu items and associated custom views are related concepts in the Mambu UI that allow you to make customizable UI sections. Used together, they can provide easy access to the information most relevant to you.

In this showcase, we will walk through a typical use case that shows how these two features work, and how they can be used together. We will cover the two main steps for creating your own new sections: creating a custom menu item and creating associated custom views.

For more information on these features, see Menu Items and Custom Views.

In our example, we are going to create a menu item for clients by type. Under this menu item we will create separate custom views to list clients of specific types such as students and prospective clients. The finished result will look like this:

Clients by type menu item with two custom views

This showcase assumes you already have the client types students and prospects set up in your tenant. In practice, you could use any client types you wish. For more information about client types and how to create them, see Client Types.

Step 1: Create a custom menu item

Every custom menu item you create is added to the navigation bar. You may create as many custom menu items as you like.

To create the Clients by type menu item:

  1. Hover over the navigation bar until Settings is revealed, and select it to go to the Manage My Views page.
  2. Next to the Parent Menu dropdown, select the plus icon to add a new menu item.
  3. In the Creating A New Menu Item dialog, enter Clients by type as the Name and select Clients as the Type. Under the Usage Rights section, either select All Users or select the roles that should have access to this menu item.
  4. Select Save Menu Item.

Creating a new menu item dialog

Once you create the new menu item, you will return to the Manage My Views page with your new view selected in the Parent Menu dropdown. A new menu item does not yet have any custom views created for it, so you will see no associated views for it yet.

You can also view the menu item in the navigation bar.

Clients by type menu item with no custom views

Now that we have created our menu item, we are ready to move on to the second step of the process to create custom views.

Step 2: Creating custom views

Custom views may be associated with menu items. We are going to create two custom views for our clients by type menu item: one listing all students and one listing all prospective clients. This showcase assumes you already have the client types students and prospects set up in your tenant.

To create the custom view listing students:

  1. Use the Parent Menu dropdown to select the Clients by type menu item. If you are continuing from the previous step, it will already be selected.
  2. Select Create New View.
  3. In the Create a New View dialog, enter Students as the Name.
    Create a New View intro section
  4. For the filter enter "Where Client Type equals Students".
    Create a New View filter section
  5. For the fields, use the Available Columns dropdown to select Full Name, ID, Client Type, and Created. You may choose to select additional fields if you like. Using the Sort By dropdown select Created. This will sort the results by the Created field.
    Create a New View fields section
  6. For the usage rights, either select All Users or select the roles that may have access to this custom view.
    Create a New View usage rights section
  7. Select Save View.

Once you create the custom view, you will be redirected to view it. The Students custom view is now available from the Clients by type menu item in the navigation bar.

Students custom view available from clients by type menu item

Creating additional custom views

To create another custom view for prospective clients, simply follow the same steps you took to create the students custom view for any client type that you have already set up for prospective clients.

Below is an example of what the Clients by type menu item would look like if we made an additional custom view for Prospective clients.

Clients by type menu item with two custom views

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