Menu Items
  • 29 Jun 2022
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Menu Items

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Article summary

The navigation bar in Mambu UI displays menu items that are linked to customizable views, also known as custom views. There are two types of menu items: those with views and those without views. Menu items with views lead to customizable pages, while menu items without views direct to preset pages. Users' access to menu items depends on their permissions and user type. Admin users have more rights in managing menu items compared to regular users. Menu items can be created, edited, rearranged, and deleted based on user permissions and roles. Usage rights settings determine who can view specific menu items. Admins have access to more settings and can manage menu items through the Administration menu.

The navigation bar displays menu items.

Menu items are closely related to views, which are customizable pages in the Mambu UI that can be used to create your own UI displays or to generate reports. Views are also referred to as custom views. For more information, see Custom Views.

There are two categories of menu items: menu items with views and menu items without views. If a user selects a menu item with a view in the navigation bar, they will navigate to the associated custom view. Selecting menu items without views navigates to a preset page that cannot be edited.

For more information on how menu items and views are commonly used and for an illustration of how they relate to one another, see Menu Items and Custom Views Showcase.

The menu items without views are Dashboard, Products, Reporting, Accounting, and Administration. These menu items are predefined and cannot be modified or removed from the navigation bar. The Mambu UI display that comes up when you click these menu items depends on your user permissions. For more information, see Permissions.

NameDescriptionRequired Permissions
DashboardThe homepage view with your existing widgets.None
ProductsAll deposit and loan products that you have created in Mambu.None
ReportingLists the out-of-the-box reports that come with Mambu.View Historical Data (VIEW_INTELLIGENCE)
View Reports (VIEW_REPORTS)
AccountingIncludes some financial reports, journal entries, and navigation to certain configurations pertaining to accounting in Mambu.None
AdministrationWhere you carry out most of the setup of your Mambu tenant.None

There are two kinds of menu items with views: predefined menu items with views and new menu items with views that you create yourself.

Predefined menu items with views may have existing custom views set up. They are available when your tenant is set up.

The following predefined menu items with views are available:

  • Clients
  • Groups
  • Loans
  • Deposits
  • Loan Transactions
  • Deposit Transactions
  • Activities

User access to menu items with views

There are three factors that determine whether you will be able to view or manage a menu item:

Menu item types and permissions

There are 13 types of menu items with views. The type determines what views can be listed under each menu item and some of the permissions and role assignments that are necessary to view the menu item and the views. For more information on other potential requirements to view or manage a menu item, see User access to menu items with views.

Menu Item TypeDescriptionRequired Permissions
ClientsInformation pertaining to clients that are individuals. For more information, see Clients and Groups Overview.View Client Details (VIEW_CLIENT_DETAILS)
GroupsInformation pertaining to clients that are groups, in other words, non-individuals. For more information, see Clients and Groups Overview.View Group Details (VIEW_GROUP_DETAILS)
Credit ArrangementsInformation regarding credit arrangements. For more information, see Creating a new credit arrangement.View Credit Arrangement Details (VIEW_LINE_OF_CREDIT_DETAILS)
Loan AccountsLoan accounts details, together with the clients or group account holder details. For more information, see Creating a New Loan.View Loan Account Details (VIEW_LOAN_ACCOUNT_DETAILS)
Loan TransactionsLoan transaction details together with the parent account and account holder details.View Loan Account Details (VIEW_LOAN_ACCOUNT_DETAILS)
InstallmentsLoan account installments, together with the parent account and account holder details.View Loan Account Details (VIEW_LOAN_ACCOUNT_DETAILS)
Deposit AccountsDeposit accounts details, together with the clients or group account holder details. For more information, see Creating a Deposit Account.View Deposit Account Details (VIEW_SAVINGS_ACCOUNT_DETAILS)
Deposit TransactionsDeposit transaction details, together with the parent account and account holder details.View Deposit Account Details (VIEW_SAVINGS_ACCOUNT_DETAILS)
System ActivitiesDetails related to the system activities log. For more information on activities, see Tracking Activities.Audit Transactions (AUDIT_TRANSACTIONS)
BranchesDetails related to the branches of your organization. For more information, see Branches and Centres.View Branch Details (VIEW_BRANCH_DETAILS)
CentresDetails related to the centres of your organization.View Centre Details (VIEW_CENTRE_DETAILS)
UsersDetails related to the users in your organization. For more information, see Creating New Users.View User Details (VIEW_USER_DETAILS)
CommunicationsDetails related to messages sent (SMS, emails and webhooks). For more information, see Communicating with Clients.View Communication History (VIEW_COMMUNICATION_HISTORY)

User types and menu items

Regular users and administrator users (admins) have different view, creation, and editing rights with regards to menu items.

Admins are users with the Administrator type, while regular users are non-admins. For more information, see Creating a User - User Rights.

Regular users

As a regular user, you may only view menu items that you have created, that have been set by an admin to be viewable by all users, or that have been set by an admin to be viewable by regular users with a role that you have been assigned.

Menu items that you create are viewable by you and any admin. You can only edit or delete the menu items you have created. Regular users do not have access to the usage rights settings of a menu item.

To manage menu items, you may visit the Manage My Views page in two ways:

  • Select your profile name in the top right-hand corner of the top bar and then select My Views, or
  • Hover over the navigation bar until the Settings icon is revealed and select it.

Visiting Manage My Views through profile name:

Visiting Manage My Views through profile name

Visiting Manage My Views with the Settings icon in navigation bar:

Visiting Manage My Views through cog in navigation bar

Administrator users (admins)

All admin users have access to the usage rights settings of a menu item. Here, you may set menu items to be either viewable for all users, or only viewable by users who created the menu item as well as the viewers who have been assigned the relevant roles. For more information, see Usage Rights.

In addition to the two ways to access the Manage My Views page to manage menu items that are available to regular users, admins can also manage menu items through the Views tab under the Administration menu item.

On the Manage My Views, page admins can only see the list of menu items created by themselves or that are accessible to all users.

On the page accessible through Administration > Views, admins can view, edit, or delete the menu items created by themselves as well as other users.

Visiting menu item through administration:

Visiting menu item through administration

Creating menu items

To create a menu item:

  1. Hover over the navigation bar until the Settings icon is revealed and select it.
  2. Next to the Parent Menu dropdown, select the Add icon to add a new menu item.
  3. In the Creating A New Menu Item dialog, enter all the necessary information. For more information on the fields, see Fields for menu items below.
  4. Select Save Menu Item.

Creating A New Menu Item Dialog

Please Note

If there are more menu items than can fit in the navigation bar, a >> icon will be shown where the remaining menus are nested.
Nested Menu Items

Fields for menu items

NameThe name can be a maximum of 32 characters. If you use a non-English display language, you can enter the name of the view in your language.
TypeThe menu item type will determine which custom views you create as part of a menu item and some of the permissions you need in order to view the menu item. See Menu item types and permissions above for more details.
Include Collections Item (only for loan and deposit transaction)Loan and deposit transaction items allow including the repayments/deposits collections item. You can add or remove the collections item for any transactions item by toggling the Include Collections Item checkbox when editing the menu item.

Usage Rights

Only admins may access the Usage Rights settings of a menu item. For more information, see User types and menu items.

Please Note
Access is controlled at the role level, not at the user level. For more information, see Access managed by role.

If you select the All Users checkbox, then all roles will be selected and any user with the appropriate permissions assigned to them either directly or through a role will be able to view the menu item. For more information on the different permissions necessary for the different custom view types, see Menu item types and permissions.

If you do not select the All User checkbox, then users will need to be assigned a role with appropriate permissions to view the menu item. Users will not have access to the menu item if they have the permissions directly assigned to them.

Editing menu items

To edit a menu item:

  1. Hover over the navigation bar until the Settings icon is revealed and select it.
  2. Using the Parent Menu dropdown, select the menu item you would like to edit.
  3. Next to the Parent Menu dropdown, select the Edit icon .
  4. Edit the name as desired and select Confirm.

Manage my views screen, highlighting the edit button for the parent menu and the Actions - Edit button for editing the views

Rearranging menu items

You can rearrange the order of menu items in the navigation bar.

To rearrange menu items:

  1. Hover over the navigation bar until the Settings icon is revealed and select it.
  2. Next to the Parent Menu dropdown, select the Custom View icon .
  3. Rearrange the menu items into your preferred order.
  4. Select Save Changes.

Deleting and disabling menu items

To delete or disable a menu item:

  1. Hover over the navigation bar until the Settings icon is revealed and select it.
  2. Using the Parent Menu dropdown, select the menu item you would like to delete or disable.
  3. Next to the Parent Menu dropdown, select the Edit icon .
  4. Select either Delete or Disable.
    • Deleting the menu item will delete all the custom views that belong to it.
    • Disabling the menu item will remove the menu item from the navigation bar, until it’s enabled again.
  5. Select Confirm.

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