Managing Clients
  • 26 Jun 2023
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Managing Clients

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Article summary

This page describes how to manage individual clients. For general information on individual clients, see Clients and Groups Overview.

Client native fields

Native fields are fields Mambu provides by default. As a general rule, you are not able to edit native fields. For more information, see Native Fields. If you want to create specific fields for your organizations then you must use custom field definitions.

The exception to this rule is a set of native fields that are associated with the client entity and that are part of the General or Details section of some client forms.

Please be Aware

You can edit the specific client fields that are an exception to the rule in the same way as custom field definitions, from the Administration > Fields tab, but they are not custom field definitions.

You can edit the name, ID, format, some of the usage settings, and the rights settings for these fields. These are the same settings used to manage custom field definitions. For more information, see Fields for custom field definitions.

To edit these client native fields:

  1. On the main menu, go to Administration > Fields.
  2. Select the Client entity and use the Custom Field Set dropdown to select either General or Details.
  3. Find the field you want to edit and select Actions > Edit.

We provide some editing capabilities for these fields to provide more flexibility in capturing client information and to allow you to determine who has access to manage this information.

Managing the client native fields

The type of information captured by these fields must stay the same. Changing the name or ID of these fields, will change how they are displayed in some places in the Mambu UI - but it won't change how the fields are displayed in:

For example, the Birth Date client native field will always be associated with the birthDate field in API requests and responses. Even if you change the name of the field to Marriage Date in the Mambu UI, the value of this property will still be associated with the birthDate key in any JSON response.

Please Note

The usage settings for first name and last name are not editable.

Editing a client

You may change a client's information anytime you need.

To edit a client:

  1. Open the client's profile.
  2. On the right-hand side of the screen, click Edit.
  3. Make the changes.
  4. Click on Save Client.

Edit action that can be done via the Edit button or directly from client overview.

Editing notes and custom field values

To edit notes:

  1. Go to the bottom of the client's overview page.
  2. Hover over the notes area to reveal Edit and select it.
  3. Enter the information in the text box.
  4. Select Check to save. If you would not like to save your changes then select Deny .

To edit a custom field value:

  1. Go to the bottom of the client's overview page.
  2. Hover over the custom field value area to reveal Edit and select it.
  3. Enter the information you would like to edit for the custom field value.
  4. Select Check to save. If you would not like to save your changes then select Deny .
Please Note

If you want to add new custom field definitions to a client, you can also do so by selecting More > Add Field.

Reassigning clients

If you need to assign several clients or groups to a different credit officer or to a different branch:

  1. On the top menu, go to Clients > All Clients.
  2. Use the filtering options to see the list of clients you're searching for.
  3. Check the boxes that correspond to the clients you want to reassign.
  4. Click Actions > Reassign.
  5. Choose the new branch, center, and/or the credit officer.
  6. Click Assign.

Clients reassignment can be done via Actions button.

All the selected clients will then be assigned to the new branch, center, or to the new credit officer.

Please Note
When bulk reassigning multiple clients or groups, if the centre or credit officer fields are left empty, Mambu will not update the centre or the credit officer for the selected clients. This allows you to change the branch of some clients or groups and keep their existing centre or credit officer.
Please be Aware
Only users with the permissions to Edit Clients and to Edit Groups can make a clients' bulk assignment to credit officers and branches.

Deleting a client

You can delete clients as long as they have no accounts.

When you delete clients, all their personal details will be permanently removed from the system.

To delete a client:

  1. Open the client's profile.
  2. On the right-hand side of the screen, click More > Delete.
  3. Confirm.

Client information screen with More button menu displayed and Delete button highlighted in red

Internal controls for individual clients

You may want to manage your exposure to individual clients, for example, in the case that they default on their loans. To manage risk, you can set Internal Controls which are accessible at Administration > General Setup > Internal Controls.

Examples of internal controls that you can set are:

  • Setting whether clients may receive multiple loans.
  • Determining if clients may be in more than one group.
  • Selecting the characteristics for which you check for duplicate client creation.

For more information, see Internal Controls.

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What's Next
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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