Jasper Reporting Overview
  • 21 Nov 2023
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Jasper Reporting Overview

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Article summary

Jasper reports enable the creation of custom reports using data from various Mambu database tables, facilitated by Jaspersoft Studio. After designing reports and obtaining the JRXML template, users can import these files into Mambu via the UI, as API import is not supported. Users migrating from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 must update their Jasper reports. Permissions for viewing, creating, editing, and deleting reports are essential, with specific roles required to access the Reports tab and Reporting menu. To create reports, users must install Jaspersoft Studio, link it to MySQL, and import the Mambu database. Reports can be edited, deleted, or rearranged through the Administration menu. Access to reports is controlled by visibility settings, and users can download or preview report templates. Reports are viewed under the relevant entity, with an additional option for "Other" report types available in the Reporting menu.

Jasper reports allow you to create custom reports that contain data from different Mambu database tables.


Mambu is decommissioning Jasper reports. Jasper reports will not be available for customers who have agreements that are entered into on or after 1 January 2024.

To create Jasper reports, you can use Jaspersoft Studio. For more information, see Creating Jasper reports.

Once your reports have been created in Jaspersoft Studio and you have the appropriate JRXML template, you may import this file to Mambu to display the Jasper report using data from various entities in Mambu. You can only import Jasper reports using the Mambu UI, you cannot import it using the API. For more information, see Importing Jasper report templates in Mambu.

If you have done the migration from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0, you must update your existing Jasper reports. For more information, see Updating Jasper reports.

Jasper report templates and permissions

There are five permissions related to viewing, creating, editing, and deleting reports in Mambu:

  • View Jasper Reports (VIEW_JASPER_REPORTS)
  • Create Jasper Reports (CREATE_JASPER_REPORTS)
  • Edit Jasper Reports (EDIT_JASPER_REPORTS)
  • Delete Jasper Reports (DELETE_JASPER_REPORTS)

With regards to reports, there is a Reports tab under the Administration menu item and there is a Reporting menu item on the main menu.

To view the Reports tab under Administration, you need at least one of the mentioned permissions assigned to your user - either directly or via a role.

To view the Reporting menu item on the main menu you need the View Historical Data and the View Reports permissions assigned to your user, either directly or via a role.

Please Note

These permissions do not affect whether your user is able to view a particular Jasper report when they have been embedded in the relevant entities. This is managed by the Visibility section when you manage a specific Jasper report template. For more information, see Controlling access to reports below.

Creating Jasper reports

To create your Jasper report templates, you will need to:

  1. Install Jaspersoft Studio and MySQL server. For more information on this setup, see Software Requirements.
  2. Link the MySQL database to Jaspersoft Studio so that all the data is available in Jaspersoft Studio. For more information on how to create an adapter between Jaspersoft Studio and MySQL Server, see Data Adapter.
  3. Download your current Mambu database and then import it into mySQL. For more information, see Database clone and Import Database clone.
Please be Aware
Jasper reports cannot handle more than 10,000 rows when imported in Mambu since this is the batch limit. Reports based on more than 10,000 rows will therefore appear differently when run in Jaspersoft Studio as opposed to in Mambu.

Importing Jasper report templates in Mambu

To import a Jasper report template in Mambu, you must first export the JRXML file from Jaspersoft Studio. Once you have this file:

  1. In the main menu, go to Administration > Reports.
  2. Using the Reports Type dropdown, select the entity for which you would like to create a report.
  3. Select Add Report.
  4. In the Importing New Report dialog, enter all the necessary information. For more information on the fields, see Fields for reports.

Importing New Report dialog to import a Jasper report

Fields for reports

Report NameThe name for the report. Maximum length of 255 characters. If no name is entered, the field will be automatically filled with the name of the JRXML file you upload.YES
Report TypeThe entity where the report will be displayed. The entity is chosen when using the Reports Type dropdown. There is an additional Other option. For more information, see Viewing reports with report type other.YES
FileThe JRXML file to upload. After selecting the file, select Send in order to complete the file upload process.YES
VisibilityThe user roles that will have access to view the reports. For more information, see Controlling access to reports.NO
DescriptionAdditional notes about the report.NO

Controlling access to reports

Please Note
Access is controlled at the role level, not at the user level. For more information, see Access managed by role.

Access to a report is controlled by the Visibility settings you select when creating or editing the report.

If you select the All Users checkbox, then all roles will be selected and any user that has the appropriate permissions assigned to them either directly, or through a role will have access to the report.

If you do not select the All User checkbox then users will need to be assigned a role with appropriate permissions to allow them access to the Jasper report template. This role needs to also be selected in the list of roles. Users will not have access to the report if they have the permissions directly assigned to them.

Editing, deleting, and rearranging reports

To edit, delete, or rearrange report templates:

  1. In the main menu, go to Administration > Reports.
  2. Using the Reports Type dropdown, select the entity for which you have created the report you want to edit, delete, or rearrange.
  3. To edit or delete a report, find the report in the list and select Actions and then either Edit or Delete. To rearrange the reports, select Rearrange Reports, and then drag and drop the reports into the order you prefer and select Save Changes.

List of jasper report templates to edit, delete, or rearrange

Downloading and previewing the report template

Jasper report templates are compiled before they are stored in the database, but the Jasper SDK is able to decompile reports into JRXML files. A Jasper report template will be decompiled before it is downloaded so that you can open it in Jasperstudio directly.

To download a report template:

  1. In the main menu, go to Administration > Reports.
  2. Using the Reports Type dropdown, select the entity for which you have created the report you want to download.
  3. Select the name of the report, which is a link, in order to go to the report detail page.
  4. Select either Download Report Template or Preview Report.

Report detail page where you can download the report template

Viewing reports

In order to view a report you have to go to the entity under which you created the report.

For example, if you create a report for the Clients entity, then to view the report:

  1. Go to the client detail page of any client.
  2. In the top right-hand corner select Reports, then select the name of the report you would like to view.

Where to find reports on client detail page

Viewing reports with report type Other

There is an additional Other report type option. To view reports with the Other report type:

  1. In the main menu, select Reporting > Other Reports
  2. In the list of reports, select the report you want to view.

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