Import Database clone
  • 29 Oct 2021
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Import Database clone

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Article summary

To import a database into a local MySql Server, ensure the dump file is in plain SQL format. In MySQL Workbench, go to Data Import/Restore, choose Import from Self Contained File, select the dump file, and create a new Database Schema. Click Start Import and verify the import by refreshing the Schemas tab to see the new database and its tables, including Mambu tables.


After you have obtained a database dump, you can proceed and import it into the local instance of MySql Server.


Please follow the steps below to perform the operation:

  1. Ensure the dump file is not in an archived format, but as plain SQL - extract it if needed.

  2. Open MySQL Workbench and in the Management tab, select Data Import/Restore

  3. Choose Import from Self-Contained File and select the dump file

  4. Create a new Database Schema as a target or mention an existing empty one

  5. Click Start Import (the process might take a few moments).


After a confirmation message is displayed, can perform a double check on the just imported database:

  1. Go to the Schemas tab and hit Refresh button

  2. Search in the available schemas and the new database should be present

  3. Look for tables - all Mambu tables should be listed.


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