Editing a Loan Account
  • 26 Jun 2023
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Editing a Loan Account

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Article summary

Loan accounts can only be fully edited while they are still pending approval. After they have been approved, it is only possible to edit a loan account's name, branch, notes, or add custom field definitions. You can no longer edit the loan terms, such as the amount or the disbursement date.

To edit a loan account:

  1. Go to the loan account you want to edit.
  2. On the right-hand side of the screen, select More > Edit Account.
  3. In the Editing Loan Account form, make the changes you need. For more details on the fields in the various sections of the form, see Creating a New Loan.
  4. Select Save.

More button drop-down menu with Edit Account option selected

Adding custom field definitions to a loan account

Before you add custom field definitions to a loan account, you must configure custom field sets and custom field definitions from Administration > Fields. For more information, see Custom Fields.

You can add custom field definitions to a loan account at any point and regardless of the account's state. To add custom field definitions to a loan account:

  1. Open the loan account.
  2. On the right-hand side of the screen, select More > Add field.
  3. In the Add field dialog, fill in the information about the custom field definition you are adding to the loan account, such as the field set, the name, and the custom field value.
  4. Select Add field.

Add field options from More drop-down menu

You can edit the loan account's custom field values at any point during its life cycle.

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