Deposit Account Life Cycle and States
  • 17 May 2023
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Deposit Account Life Cycle and States

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Article summary

Each new deposit account has a life cycle consisting of the following states:

Deposit account life cycle and states

Pending Approval

This is the initial state when you open a new deposit account. This means that the deposit application is under evaluation and can be “Approved” or “Rejected” as the next step of the process, or it can be “Withdrawn” by the client.

Please Note
In this state it is still possible to edit the deposit account terms, such as the interest rate.

Withdraw a deposit account application

If the client or your organization decides to withdraw the request for a deposit account, you can do it only if the account is in the "Pending Approval" state.

To withdraw a deposit account application:

  1. Open the deposit account.
  2. On the right hand side of the screen, click on Close > Withdraw.
  3. Add any notes about the reason for the withdrawal.
  4. Select Change Status.

Close drop-down with Withdraw or Reject options.

Reject a deposit account application

When a deposit account is still "Pending Approval" and the application hasn't fulfilled your organization's requirements, for instance, you can choose to reject it.

To reject a deposit account application:

  1. Open the deposit account.
  2. On the right hand side of the screen, click on Close > Reject.
  3. Add a comment about the reason for rejection.
  4. Select Change Status.

Close drop-down with Withdraw or Reject options.


If the deposit account application doesn’t pass the initial evaluation, you can reject it. The account will be automatically closed and classified in Mambu as "Closed (Rejected)".

The deposit applications will keep all their associated information, such as comments, notes or attachments, and remain associated to the client or group. This will allow organizations to have a record of all applications which were rejected with comments explaining why.

Please Note
The application can be re-opened later, which will put the account directly to an “Active” state.


If clients change their mind and decide not to move forward with the deposit application, you can withdraw their application. The deposit account will be automatically closed in Mambu, and classified as "Closed (Withdrawn)".

Please Note
The application can be re-opened later, which will put the account directly to an “Active” state.


Once the deposit account application passed the evaluation, it can be “Approved”.

To approve a deposit account, chick on Approve, add any comments you might have and confirm the state.

At this stage, the client can still “Withdraw” the application.

Please Note
Once approved, you can still adjust the recommended deposit amount and set a maximum withdrawal amount by using the relevant options under More.
It’s possible to send back the application to “Pending Approval” state by selecting the Undo Approve option under More.


Once the client makes any transaction (deposit, withdrawal or transfer) on the account, it will become “Active”.

Please Note
It’s possible to send back the deposit account application to “Approved” by using the Undo Activate option under More, as long as no transactions have been yet posted on the account.


If no deposits, withdrawals, or transfers have been performed for a period of time, the account can be automatically set to “Dormant” state. This allows to identify and report on dormant accounts, as well as implement other specific workflows such as contacting the clients who own the dormant accounts. The dormancy period is optional and can be defined at Product level.

Once the account status is changed to “Dormant”, no more interest is accrued on the account and no automated transactions are posted on it (interest, fees, transfers, and so on).

Please be Aware
Once a transaction is performed on a dormant account (by an authorised user), the deposit account will automatically change state to “Active” and accrued interest will be recalculated for the dormancy period and applied to the account.


When the client wishes to close the deposit account that has zero balance, you can close the account and stored it under the client's profile as "Closed”.

Please Note
The deposit account can be re-opened, and it will be sent directly to the “Active” state.


In order to prevent any transactions from being performed on the account (deposits, withdrawals, transfers), you can lock it under More. The new state will be “Locked”.

Please Note
Only the accounts that are in "Active", "Dormant" and "In Arrears" states can be locked.
It’s possible to “Unlock the Account”, which will set the deposit account back to an “Active” state which allows you to perform transactions.

If you don't want to lock the entire account, but only to block a certain amount from being withdrawn or transferred, you can do it via API. For more information, see Blocking Funds in Deposit Accounts.

Additional states applicable to Fixed Deposit Accounts and Savings Plans

Begin Maturity Period

Once the opening balance quota is reached (defined under the Deposit Product settings), you can “Begin Maturity Period” for that account.

The state of the deposit account will remain “Active”.

Please Note
It’s possible to “Undo Begin Maturity Period” for the deposit account by opening the account and, on the right hand side of the screen, select More > Undo Begin Maturity Period.


Once the deposit account reaches maturity, it will be stored in the system as “Matured”.

Please Note
Once the matured account has zero balance, then it is possible to close the account and it will be stored under the client's profile as "Closed”.

Additional states and processes applicable to Overdrafts

In Arrears

When a deposit account with an overdraft has a negative balance after the overdraft expiry date or the overdraft limit is decreased below the current negative balance, Mambu will automatically change its state to "In Arrears" until the deposited amount will cover the overdraft balance.

When the overdraft balance is covered, the deposit account will be sent back to the “Active” state.


When repayments are no longer expected on a deposit account with an overdraft that is “In Arrears”, it can be closed and written-off.

To write off a deposit account with an overdraft, select Close > Write Off.

You can also add any notes you wish to this transaction that will be stored with the history of transactions for this account.

The account will be stored in the client’s profile as “Closed (Written-Off)”.

Please be Aware
If you wish to undo writing-off the account, select More > Undo Write Off.

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