Data Dictionary and API Standards
  • 17 May 2022
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Data Dictionary and API Standards

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Article summary

Data Structures and Enums

To dig deeply into all the possible data types, structure and meaning of enumerated values which can be returned, we suggest reviewing our data dictionary, which fully describes all publicly accessible objects, their relationships, and their fields.

Please Note
The schema defined in the data dictionary covers the base Mambu database which can be exported following the procedure given here. This may not include all data held in ancilliary services such as the payments gateway or MPO.


For date values Mambu uses the ISO 8601 standard. Date values are returned in the yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ format, for example: 2011-09-26T00:00:00+0000. For data parameters without a time code the short version of the ISO 8601 standard: yyyy-MM-dd is used, for example 2011-09-26.

Mambu stores date/time values without any time zone offset. The dates captured automatically by Mambu are stored in UTC date and time and the ones specified (or that can be specified) by the user are stored in the organization's date and time.

For further information, please consult the most recent Data Dictionary.

Please Note
If the short version of the ISO 8601 standard is used, e.g. for birth dates, the time zone is assumed UTC and not the organization's time zone.


All numeric values are trimmed for trailing zeroes. Mambu stores decimals in high-precision but a value such as 50.010000000 will be returned as simply 50.01 in the JSON response for brevity.


Resources in Mambu such as Clients and Products often have two identifiers: IDs and encodedKeys. IDs are short codes in a general, organization level format (for clients, accounts, etc.) or an explicitly defined format (for products for example). encodedKeys are the Primary UUID keys in the datastore and are unchangeable after the object has been created.

The APIs use both ids and keys as resource identifiers.

Null values

Null values are stripped from the responses. If a key is not found, it's value is null.


List items are returned in the Mambu APIs with a default pagination limit of 50 and a max of 1000. Pagination can be specified using the offset and limit parameters for GET and POST requests as URL encoded parameters, which, when used returns a list. For example an offset of 5 and limit of 10 would retrieve items 6-15 in the list. The end of the list is reached when the request has fewer results than the limit or when an empty result array is returned.

Performance Recommendation
When querying Mambu data, we recommend using a batch size of up to 100 records for optimum output. This is both performant and ensures easier troubleshooting for your integrations.

GET 5 savings accounts starting with the 24th resulted entry

GET /api/savings?branchId=2&limit=5&offset=24

POST Search for the first 40 closed savings accounts

} /api/savings/search?limit=40&offset=0 


All rates (index, interest) are expressed as full numbers, not percentages. For example, an index rate of 10.50% is passed in JSON as 10.5. Example:



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