  • 05 Oct 2022
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Article summary

The dashboard is the landing page you see when you log in to the Mambu UI.

The dashboard is composed of widgets, which are sometimes called dashboard sections. The widgets available to a user are determined by the user's type and permissions, and by your organization's internal control settings.

The available widgets are:

An example of a dashboard with the latest activity, indicators, and your tasks widgets

Widget access controls

To be visible, a widget must be enabled in the Internal Controls tab of the Administration page. You will find a list of widgets that you may enable or disable in the Available dashboard sections list in the tab. For more information, see Internal Controls.

Some widgets have additional access requirements - they are indictated below in the relevant section.

To edit the available dashboard sections:

  1. On the main menu, go to Administration > General Setup > Internal Controls.
  2. Scroll down to the Available dashboard sections list.
  3. Select or deselect the widget you want to display.
  4. Select Save Changes.

Internal control for available dashboard sections with list of sections


Latest Activity

The Latest Activity widget shows a snapshot of the latest activities in the branches you have access to. For more information about activity tracking, see Tracking Activities.

To customize your activity feed:

  1. Next to the latest activity widget title, select Settings .
  2. To add an activity type, use the Activity Type dropdown, select the activity type, and select Add Activity Type.
  3. To remove an activity type, find the activity in the Selected Activity Types list, and select Delete .
  4. Select Save Changes.

Example of Latest Activity widget

Your Tasks

The Your Tasks widget allows you to manage tasks. Tasks are used to plan and track work in Mambu. They are assigned to system users and can be linked to specific clients or groups. For more information about creating, editing, deleting, and filtering tasks see Communicating with other users.

Example of your tasks widget

Your Favourite Views

The Your Favourite Views widget displays a list of custom views that you have set as favorites. Custom views are used to configure the Mambu UI, to quickly generate reports, and to filter GET requests with the Mambu v1 API. For more information, see Custom Views.

Any custom view that you select as a favorite will be automatically added to your favorite views list. For more information, see Adding a saved custom view to favourites.

To remove a favorite view from the widget:

  1. Next to the favorite views widget title, select Settings .
  2. Find the view you would like to remove and select Delete .
  3. Select Save Changes.

Example of your favourite views widget


For more information about the available indicators, adding, editing, and deleting indicators, see Indicators.


The Tellers widget is used to manage tills. For more information about how to open a till, add or remove cash, or close a till, see Working with Tills.

To have access to the tellers widget, your account must have the necessary tellering permissions. For more information, see Teller Users and Permission - Tellering.

Example of tellers widget


The Tellering widget is used to process transactions through a till. For more information, see Processing Transactions via a Till.

To have access to the tellering widget, your account must have the necessary tellering permissions and the Teller user type assigned. For more information, see Creating a User - Type and Teller Users.

Example of tellering widget

Your Clients

To have access to the Your Clients widget, an account must have the Credit Officer user type and assigned clients. For more information, see Creating a User - Type and Creating an Individual Client.

Example of your clients widget

Your Repayments

To have access to the Your Repayments widget, an account must have the Credit Officer user type as well as assigned clients with repayments to make. For more information, see Processing Loan Repayments.

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