Booking Date vs Value Date
  • 25 Sep 2024
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Booking Date vs Value Date

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Article summary

Mambu allows users to select a different booking date for journal entries compared to transaction value dates. The Creation Date marks when a transaction is created, while the Value Date determines asset availability. Booking Date is when entries are posted. Permissions are needed to specify different booking dates for loans or deposits. Manual journal entries allow for Booking Date selection. Certain transaction types allow Booking Date input. Triggered transactions inherit the original booking date. Backdating transactions requires adjusting subsequent transactions. Mambu permits backdated transactions after accounting closure with specific permissions. Adjustments before closure can have different booking dates. An example illustrates adjusting a repayment post-closure.

Mambu allows you to select a journal entry booking date different from the value date of transactions.

Available transaction dates

  • Creation Date: The timestamp for when the transaction is created in the system.
  • Value Date: The date based on which assets either become available to the account owner (in the case of a credit entry), or cease to be available to the account owner (in the case of a debit entry). Interest, penalty, and arrears calculations are also based on this date. In Mambu, this is refered to as the account Transaction Date.
  • Booking Date: The date and time when an entry is posted to an account on the account servicer's accounting books. In Mambu, this is referred to as the journal entry date.


You may need to select a different booking date for journal entries in some instances:

  1. When there is a correction that must be made on a past transaction and there is an accounting closure. In this situation, the correction should allow the value date to be in the closed period, whereas the booking date of the journal entry may be after the closed period.

  2. When there is a check sent based on the date on which you want to submit the transaction (Value Date) vs. the date when the check is received in your bank account (Booking Date).


In order to specify a different booking date for loan or deposit transactions, you will need the following Accounting permissions:

  • Booking Date Loans Journal Entry (BOOKING_DATE_LOANS_GL)
  • Booking Date Deposits Journal Entry (BOOKING_DATE_SAVINGS_GL)

Booking Date input for manual journal entries

When entering manual journal entries, you may select the Booking Date (Entry Date) of the entry.

New Journal Entry screen with Booking Date (Entry Date) field filled in

Please Note
The entry date of transactions registered on an account and the corresponding journal entries are identical, unless a different booking date is specified upon the transaction creation.

In the Journal Entries view, you can always see both the Booking Date (Entry Date) and the Value Date (Entry Date)(Transaction) of any given journal entry.
Transactions table showing the booking date and the value date

Booking date input for transactions

With the permissions mentioned above, you can specify a different booking date when creating transactions. The field is made available in the user interface, as it can be seen in the below examples, and can also be used via the APIs.

Apply a Repayment screen with Value Date and Booking Date fields

Booking date input is available for adjustment transactions as well:
Adjust Repayment screen with Adjustment booking date dropdown

Transaction Types

Only the following transaction types allow a booking date input:


  • Disbursement
  • Fees
  • Repayment
  • Adjustment Made ( the adjustment transaction for Repayment)
  • Payment Made
  • Payment Made Adjustment ( the adjustment transaction for Payment Made)


  • Withdrawal
  • Withdrawal Adjustment
  • Deposit
  • Deposit Adjustment

Booking date impact on triggered transactions

Some transactions trigger subsequent transactions in the same account or in other accounts. In these scenarios, Mambu will carry over the booking date of the original transaction that triggered the others.

Example: Funding Accounts repayments

Assuming a borrower makes a repayment, and the repayment has following dates:

Date TypeDate
Creation Date08-04-2018
Value Date08-01-2018
Booking Date08-03-2018

The triggered Loan Repaid transaction on the funder accounts will carry the booking date values, as follows:

Date TypeDate
Creation Date08-04-2018
Value Date08-03-2018
Booking Date08-03-2018

The same is applicable for any other similar scenarios, such as disbursements that have triggered fees. When the disbursement has a booking date that differs from the value date, any fee that is triggered by the disbursement (for example a Disbursement Fee) will carry the booking date input for the disbursement.

Booking date impact on re-applied transactions via backdating or bulk adjustment

When you backdate transactions, you must first adjust all the transactions that exist after the backdating date. New transactions are posted for the adjusted transactions, and custom field values are copied over from the original transaction to the new transaction.

If you need to both backdate and input a different booking date for the backdated or adjusted transaction, the booking date of the re-applied transactions will have the same value as the the booking date of the original transaction.

Booking date input under accounting closure

Mambu allows introducing backdated transactions on an account after an existing accounting closure. The booking date of the backdated transaction must be after the accounting closure date.

There are also use cases when an adjustment (reversal) has to be made on an account before an existing accounting closure date. For such scenarios, Mambu allows you to perform the adjustment and choose a different booking date for the adjusted transaction.

Adjust deposit window with original date and Backdate options displayed

You can choose a different booking date for adjusted transactions only if you have the Rectify adjustment after Accounting Closure (RECTIFY_ADJUSTMENT) permission.

Please Note

When there is a different booking date selected for an adjusted transaction, the original value date is kept.


Let's consider there is an accounting closure for 30 Jun 2018, for a loan account with several repayments where the last repayment is on 28 Jun 2018.

  • On 1 Jul 2018, you adjust a repayment made on 25 May 2018 and input 1 Jul 2018 for the booking date of the adjustment transaction.
  • Then the adjustment is permitted and the journal entry booking date for the adjustment transaction is 1 Jul 2018 and the value date of the adjusted transaction is 25 May 2018.

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