Loan Penalty Fees
  • 08 Jan 2025
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Loan Penalty Fees

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Article summary


This core extension point in lending facilitates bespoke penalty calculations which not only rely on overdue principal or overdue interest but now has access to account balances, custom fields, index rates, amongst others to create your own calculations.


This core extension is behind a feature toggle. If you would like to use this core extension, please get in touch with your CSM.

Technical contract specification


Input properties


This class is a representation of technical contract of LOAN_PENALTY_FEE_AMOUNT_OVERDUE_PRINCIPAL input

accountPenaltyCalculationAccountDTOSometimes presentLoan account related variables
accountCustomFieldsobjectSometimes presentAccount standard custom fields
accountGroupedCustomFieldsobjectSometimes presentAccount grouped custom fields
contextPenaltyCalculationContextDTOSometimes presentCalculation context variables, that related to current specific calculation and not belong to any other
featuresobjectSometimes presentState of features that could affect calculations
indexRatesConfigurations[PenaltyCalculationIndexRateConfigurationDTO]Sometimes presentRepresentation of an index rate configurations
productPenaltyCalculationProductDTOSometimes presentLoan product related variables
repaymentPenaltyCalculationRepaymentDTOSometimes presentRepresentation of an installment/repayment

Output properties

The only output for this extension point is the calculated amount created by the logic of your Mambu Function. The amount must be a string (number).




The type of index rate source.



Interest rate review frequency measurement unit. Valid only for index interest rate.

Enumerated values: DAYS | WEEKS | MONTHS


Loan account related variables

disbursementDatestring(date-time)Sometimes presentThe activation date, the date when the disbursement actually took place.
feesBalancestring(number)Sometimes presentTotal fees expected to be paid on this account
interestBalancestring(number)Sometimes presentThe interest balance for this account
interestRatestring(number)Sometimes presentInterest rate value.
interestRateReviewCountstring(number)Sometimes presentInterest rate review frequency unit count. Valid only for index interest rate.
interestRateReviewUnitInterestRateReviewUnitSometimes presentInterest rate review frequency measurement unit. Valid only for index interest rate.
interestSpreadstring(number)Sometimes presentInterest spread value
lastInterestReviewDatestring(date-time)Sometimes presentThe date the interest was reviewed last time, stored in the organization time format and time zone.
penaltyBalancestring(number)Sometimes presentTotal penalty expected to be paid on this account
penaltyRatestring(number)Sometimes presentThe rate (in percent) which is charged as a penalty
principalBalancestring(number)Sometimes presentThe total principal owned by the client, from now on (principal disbursed - principal paid)
totalBalancestring(number)Sometimes presentThe total balance of the account


Calculation context variables, that related to current specific calculation and not belong to any other

daysLateSinceLastPaymentstring(number)Sometimes presentNumber of days since last payment that affected principal(partial payment), with respect to holidays settings
daysLateSinceRepaymentDuestring(number)Sometimes presentNumber of days since repayment due, with respect to holidays settings
endDatestring(date-time)Sometimes presentDefine the end of calculated period, also known as entryDate
lastPaidDateThatAffectPrincipalstring(date-time)Sometimes presentDay of payment that affected principal(partial payment)
penaltyRateChanges[PenaltyRateChangeDTO]Sometimes presentIntervals for which to compute the penalty amount. Each interval will have a constant penalty rate
penaltyRatesByDaysLate[PenaltyRatesByDaysLateDTO]Sometimes presentAmount of days use for each specific penalty rate
startDatestring(date-time)Sometimes presentStart date of calculation period, depends on due date, penalty last applied date


This class is a representation of technical contract of LOAN_PENALTY_FEE_AMOUNT_OVERDUE_PRINCIPAL input

accountPenaltyCalculationAccountDTOSometimes presentLoan account related variables
accountCustomFieldsobjectSometimes presentAccount standard custom fields
accountGroupedCustomFieldsobjectSometimes presentAccount grouped custom fields
contextPenaltyCalculationContextDTOSometimes presentCalculation context variables, that related to current specific calculation and not belong to any other
featuresobjectSometimes presentState of features that could affect calculations
indexRatesConfigurations[PenaltyCalculationIndexRateConfigurationDTO]Sometimes presentRepresentation of an index rate configurations
productPenaltyCalculationProductDTOSometimes presentLoan product related variables
repaymentPenaltyCalculationRepaymentDTOSometimes presentRepresentation of an installment/repayment


Index rate configuration information

encodedKeystringSometimes presentThe encoded key of the index rate source, which is auto generated, and unique.
idstringSometimes presentThe ID of the index rate source, which can be generated and customized, and must be unique.
indexRates[PenaltyCalculationIndexRateDTO]Sometimes presentReturns all index rates that correspond to an index rate source.
namestringSometimes presentThe name of the index rate source.
notesstringSometimes presentThe notes about the index rate source.
typeIndexTypeSometimes presentThe type of index rate source.


Index rate information.

idstringSometimes presentThe ID of the index rate, which can be generated and customized, and must be unique.
notesstringSometimes presentThe notes or description attached to this object.
ratestring(number)Sometimes presentThe percentage value of the index rate.
startDatestring(date-time)Sometimes presentThe date when the index rate starts being the active rate for its source.


Loan product related variables

daysInYearstring(number)Sometimes presentNumber of days in a year
indexSourceKeystringSometimes presentIndex rate source key.
loanPenaltyGracePeriodstring(number)Sometimes presentNumber of days to wait before applying the loan penalty amounts
taxesOnFeesEnabledbooleanSometimes presentShows whether taxes on fees are enabled for this product or not.
taxesOnInterestEnabledbooleanSometimes presentShows whether taxes on interest are enabled for this product or not.
taxesOnPenaltyEnabledbooleanSometimes presentShows whether taxes on penalties are enabled for this product or not.


Representation of an installment/repayment

dueDatestring(date-time)Sometimes presentRepayment/installment due date, organization day timezone(2023-11-01T00:00:00Z)
feesDuestring(number)Sometimes presentThe fee amount that may be applied to the loan account.
feesTaxDuestring(number)Sometimes presentThe taxes amount on the income from the installment fee amount.
overdueIntereststring(number)Sometimes presentThe interest amount that is charged for the use of the loan.
overduePrincipalstring(number)Sometimes presentThe original loan amount that is disbursed, excluding interest, fees, and penalties.
taxesOnOverdueIntereststring(number)Sometimes presentThe taxes amount on the income from the installment allocation element amount.


Penalty rate for the period

endDatestring(date-time)Sometimes presentThe end of period for specific penalty rate
penaltyRatestring(number)Sometimes presentSpecific penalty rate that was applied for specific period
startDatestring(date-time)Sometimes presentThe start of period for specific penalty rate


Penalty rate for numbers of days late

daysLatestring(number)Sometimes presentNumber of days late with respect to holidays settings
penaltyRatestring(number)Sometimes presentSpecific penalty rate that was applied for specific period

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